The Stillness.
— One of the most important things I’m hoping to integrant into this new year and into my work is the intention of stillness. The ability of being able to get towards a level of quietness simple for the sake of finding the true clarity within my work.
For a very long time I felt as though my career has been on a sort of auto -pilot. In work and life, one can very easily get into places where you’re just striving to be comfortable. Very often at no fault of your own. Being employed as a freelancer you’re often merely seeking to honor the commitment of the client brief and meet those needs. However at times the trappings of day to day work can leave you feeling a bit stifled as a creative.
Which at times can feel extremely daunting, both professionally and emotionally. You’re often up against deadlines or sets of circumstances that can fall beyond your control. Things that can com from perspective clients or other times from your own self in simple in the simple act of trying to manage it all. That in turn can leave one unsure if they’re either coming or going.
One of the acts I’ve started to implement for the sake of establishing my own sanity, is that of setting specific times to not only document for myself personally, but having specific periods to utilize and go out and try new things creatively. The act of still staying sharp within my craft. Too often it can become your default as an artist to stay within the confines of what you know. Doing the things that work because they’re safe to you as well as to those whom hire you.
The key is going against that feeling. I believe all really great artist do so. If you’re honest with yourself and your creative process it gives you the intuition towards those clues. Of course hopefully your one who choses to listen, otherwise pretty soon your clients or yet, the lack there of will be the was to inform you as well.
All in all, I’m learning first hand as I continue to grow deeper within my journey as a creative. With both the successes and challeneges were all often up against. The overwhelming joys that come with securing those coveted assignment and the anxieties that accompany all that it takes to maintain a healthy balance. Yet, for the sake of growth — Career wise and for simply maintaining your sole inner peace. It’s important that we lean into those quiet spaces and listen to our own intuition. I know that’s truly where one can find those keys that will help them navigate toward greater levels. Set and create moments in which you’re able to asses, grow or even re-establish those paths which you’re striving to envelope with your art.
I’m personally in the initial phases of this proactive practice. However,In time my hope that it will serve me well and that someday soon I can look back and recognize how pivotal this moment of assertion was towards my level of work. Hopefully it can be of help towards others.