G L Askew II Studio

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— I recommend walking….. Around your hood. Your city. The beach. The mountains. Whenever you encounter a problem. Be it career, personal, or even financial. I put on my shoes and I step outside…..Listen, I’m in no way an expert. I don’t have any credentials that certify me telling you how to live your life.Only the best of common sense. But in those times, when I’m faced with a situation where the uncertainty of outcomes seems perhaps slightly overwhelming.

Or perhaps no matter how strenuous my efforts.I take to the streets and….in some cases the grass. Whatever path enables me to forge mindlessly. I think somehow by happenstance. Maybe some would even say by way of resonance… Whatever one might think, in some way I’m able to find my north star. Meanings and/or great insight towards whatever might be troubling me.

Often I take my camera. In this way, its like a sort of win/win. I’m able to be at one with myself, whilst at the same time, giving back to myself. I don’t always take the most compelling images. (Something I had to learn to overcome.) Yet I often come away with great feedback. Insight as to where I was emotionally. How I may have been connecting with my world on that particular day.  To me, that alone is a win.

 I think most artist are always looking for hacks towards building with each opportunity. Sometimes there are creative blocks. Thus it's extremely important we’re always mindful of our owninventory. Those ways of mining all that is deep within ourselves. The treasures and the pits.

That’s the key I believe to continuing staying motivated in a career path that's always evolving. Always competitive. Finding the ways to unlock the keys that are you. It could be walking, swimming, rowing. Jijitsu….maybe it’s not physical at all, maybe it’s something more cerebral. Whatever it is, whatever it takes. Getting at the core of you. Towards whatever efforts that keep your curiosity engaged. 

Experiment and play with ways to get to self. Seek whatever or whomever it is that helps you get the answers your looking for. And again, it doesn’t have to be so career-driven. It could be as mundane as “What to make for dinner?” Or “Is this one truly the love I’ve been looking for?”….I think the most important thing we have to do as artists, as humans…..is find the answers to what we’re looking for. And oftentimes, there not too far from where your standing now.